Friday, 8 August 2014

It's not easy being green

Today I have been helping out as a victim, sorry volunteer, for a summer research project at Cardiff university. These projects are undertaken by students between second and third year to help gain an insight into research ready for third year projects and to see if a PhD or Masters would be something they would be interested in. The projects also help to keep Cardiff at the leading edge of eye based research that the school of Optometry and Vision Science is so renowned for.

Today I have been helping with a project funded by Coopervision being conducted by one of my friends comparing the effects of over the counter blepharitis treatment compared to baby shampoo. In particular it is looking at the effects of the scrubs on ocular comfort and staining. This has resulted in me having fluoroscein and lissamine green put into my eyes, leading to me having a fetching shade of green eyeshadow for most of the day.

Still it's a small price to pay to help for driving research forward.

Friday, 1 August 2014

From blue to green

So after 6 weeks at Boots in Swansea last week I started a 4 week placement at Specsavers to see how the two companies compare and which one I would prefer to do my pre-reg with if I am lucky enough to get offers.

The first thing that struck me was the similarities in pre-tests and the handover coming out of the room, then the differences in offers - both lens types and the pricing. Learning all the lens types will be tricky and having done some dispensing with Boots I thought I would be good to go with Specsavers. WRONG! Single vision is fairly similar but the differing offers and types of varifocal mean there is still a lot to learn especially with the lab instore. I am actually looking forward to spending more time in the lab looking at how glasses are made and what the differing tolerances are which I feel is going to be a good start to third year.

So far I have been enjoying this placement just as much as my first in a different way. The staff are really friendly and have been nice enough to invite me out on the staff night out on Saturday and I've seen a lot more pathology, which has been good. I even managed to successfully diagnose a patient's sub-conjunctival haemorrhage this afternoon (I didn't tell patient but checked with optom afterwards and I was correct).